Age Groups

At Green Learning Academy, your infant or baby will be safe, nurtured and loved! Cuddling and holding young children is a big part of what we do every day.

Our program caters to the specific needs of children between 12 months and 2 years old. This age range is full of exploration and huge growth in language and social skills.

children holding their hands on blue ball
Kids holding hands on “Earth” ball

The Toddlers program caters to the needs of the “terrible two’s” and early preschoolers between the ages of 2 and 3 years old. It is designed to introduce young children to a preschool setting that fosters a supportive school environment, in which children will receive the necessary encouragement to develop increasing levels of independence, language, arts, math, science and social studies concepts. It also emphasizes social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development.

Pre-Kindergarden is a very special and critical time in a child’s learning as they prepare for their journey to Kindergarten, when children are 3-4 years of age. Our pre-Kindergarden program focuses on “Kindergarten Readiness“, ensuring that children are prepared and have the skills necessary to be ready for Kindergarten so that their first experiences with school will be one of excitement and confidence.

We are also working on programs for children age 4-5 and 5-6 years old. Stay tuned for availability!

Our Programs

Green Learning Academy offers enrichment programs that allow children to explore creative outlets. Read more about our programs.

Interactions in the garden

Ready to experience Green Learning Academy for yourself? Schedule an appointment with us today and see for yourself!